Thursday, October 21, 2010

Swedish Toys - A profile of the Swedish company's toys - Playsam

In 1984, Swedish company Playsam was personified, founded by Carl Zedig with the goal of well-designed toys, the "color, form and function that are all related to a complex aesthetically pleasing."

About this time he met Hans-Christer Ericson Zedig, who later made a full graphic identity for the company, which has included the creation of a new font style for your company brand logos, packaging and advertising print.

In 1985 he was awarded the prestigious Playsam"Excellent Swedish Design Award" for his flashy graphics program. The toys were manufactured by the same innovative way Playsam Sigvard Bernadotte and were designed by Ulf Hansen, who previously had the doctrine of the famous industrial designer.

Hansen's friends also designed a series of toys for handicapped children in the early 1980s, the rights were acquired by Playsam.

His later, more familiar to hire "Streamliner" for society, with its clean lines andbold use of colors, designs, while Hans was sketch was free. Its purity is obvious aesthetic and functional meant that he never had the design changed.

When Hans commented: "playing with shapes, volumes and proportions is the basis of my work a bit. 'I am always stopped to return the complicated geometry. When working with toys, I can concentrate without any idea expressed by the technician."

Hanses' Toys ancient tradition and Swedishproduction of wooden toys in Sweden and it is not surprising that satisfies the Dalarna region of form, which must be the place where colorful wooden toy horses are famous for coming.

In recognition of the importance of heritage crafts-folk ", a toy for Hanses bare and essential aesthetic design similar to that of Shaker.

Hanses believes that the ability to "soul" and "expression" within a product design that convey the different characters of the art, andsurely its diminutive form "Streamliner" is an affection that is as engaging for children as for adults.

When Carl Zedig noted, "The most important is simplicity. If at a glance" Streamliner ", adds details to your imagination." includes in addition to its product line "Streamliner", car, boats and planes, Hansen has a rocking horse for simple Playsam designed which has a similar quality grade.

The well-known Swedish designer Bjorn Dahlstom,also has a number of designs for the company, including a toy car, a duck and rabbit complement rocking in a rocking chair, the other products produced in the area.

Toys Playsam illustrate the widespread belief in Scandinavia, that all sectors of society can benefit from a good project. Ultimately, the international success of the innate simplicity of the products it offers a nice change from a time of increasing technical complexity.

Many PlaysamSwedish toys intended as the "Streamliner" are smooth and simple wooden constructions. Their toys are innovative, timeless and sophisticated.

The drawings of the toy appeal to young and old and are built to last for many generations.

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