Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wooden Toys - Making toys for your child

If people think that children's toys, wooden toys, often do not think. But with certain precautions, there is no reason that is not a wooden toy for a child. The great part about wooden toys is that they tend to last longer than plastic toys and can be valuable to favorite over the years as they grow. You can even children's toys, they in. Here are some things that you think you know when a wooden toy shouldfor the child.

magnitude. Babies are the first ones. However, they are able to fit things much bigger in the mouth. When a child explores his environment, they tend to try everything. For this reason, wooden toys large enough to be unprecedented in the baby's mouth. The wooden toys does not have small parts, which are off, because the toy for the child could be concluded that during the game with him. You do not want the child accidentally on the toy, which was designed butterflyspeak.

According Coatings. As mentioned, all children tend to take in the mouth. You have more to chew while teething. For this reason, a request by painting or paintings to give the toy. If you decide to paint or varnish the toy, you must use a non-toxic finish and often toys for damage to the coating. When the coating begins to chip off, you can remove a good idea, and finish again.

3.Materials. Make sure the timber is not pre-treated. Some of the treated wood is sprayed or dipped with arsenic or cyanide type bug killer type of treatment to resist deformation of the wood to help. This can be fatal for the child if he or she swallows. If you create a toy for your child, you should all natural wood. A softwood is also a good idea because they have some to give up when chewed and do not splinter the wood is hard.

Figure 4. Verificationthere are no sharp corners for wooden toy before the child. A sharp edge can cause injury to the child if he or she falls on her. To avoid this potentially dangerous situation, wooden toys should be all the edges and all points should be cut a nice curve.

Fifth make-up. Most of the wooden toys are made of wood on it. Often people add things like eyes and hair, their wooden toys. This is a great idea, but it must beBe sure to check them periodically added to the timber for damage. If the eyes or hair to fall, it seems, a good idea to remove and replace the accessories are new. So the child does not risk choking on a piece of wooden toys.

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