Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The non-toxic toys

Parents are rightly concerned about the safety of toys for their children. Toys are reminded every day of lead, arsenic, PVC and other heavy metals. Countries has increased concern in the safety of toys manufactured in another, because safety standards can be low or difficult to control toy outside the U.S.

Recent legislation has set new standards and testing requirements for manufacturers of wooden toys that should help the situation. ToysDecision makers must meet the standards for testing and can not sell toys that contain toxic metals or chemicals difficult. All toys must be sold through tests before they can be. But the majority of companies that already produce clean, safe, toxic toys legislation does not, the negative effects they can not afford the test to prove that they are safe products are actually safe.

This is a double edged sword. As parents we want ourChildren's toys tested and guaranteed to be safe. However, we will not be closed, that these small businesses actually do very well in the community. Handmade toys and clothes with a high income for families in UP However, as the law is, toys are not selling anything, except that through a group of third Test Facility-dollars, taxes, hundreds or even thousands of tests.

Many people are writing toCongress demand that the rules are modified to maintain the market for handmade toys and baby products. We hope that an agreement, the parents meet the needs of security in their products to children and makes the safety standards for small businesses to be accessible.

In the meantime, you may consider some of your own handmade toys. It 's fun and useful toy for your own job, and is something you can teach your children to engage themValue of working hard to make something exceptional value. Talks about how toys are handmade, special, because each is unique. Handmade toys and can be heirloomed loved by generations.

Wood products for the manufacture of toys construction companies can be found online wood. You can create your own bricks, cars, games and much more. Some companies will offer equipment and a toxin-free, heavy-metal finish to eat your concernsEasy.

wood components to build toys for shopping can be exciting and stimulating. You might be surprised to find what they are, and decide to try it. producers of wooden toys that are selling parts, often offer personalized services. You can trim the pieces, adding hardware, and even toys for boys are giving you like.

You and your child, you can build your imagination and things together. You might want to start with an assortment of wood pieces, toys such as balls, bars, and buttonsBlocks. You can create an anchor Axel trucks, carts and more. Keys and buttons can help decorate. Custom tiles can help, family fun that will be appreciated for generations to create. Hold for protecting your family and experience the joy of creating your own wooden toys together.

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