Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Playing together (toys for parents to play with children, puppets, etc.)

These days parents are finding it increasingly difficult to spend time with their children to find. more families who need to find both parents working to get the speed and time with the family must take second priority.

This is a much more imperative to ensure that what should be the free time that you spend with your children, do not lose more.

It 's a good idea, with some toys, games and other content that can play with yourChildren. If you can find common interests between you and your children, that can make a big push to spend more time with his family.

To see some examples ...


If you have photos to play with dolls, you might think: 'Well okay, if they are two years ... " but really, can dolls are a lot of fun for kids of all ages. Only one, hand to each of your children, try one voice, Goofy and Goofy fun developing stories and characterstogether.


Monopoly is great, but wore the tail of some children. Be looking for games that are better suited to the tastes of your children. If your kids love riddles and puzzles, is a classic quiz Mindtrap. Risk could be a bit 'complex for younger children, but the age at which a child begins to read "chapter" books, the risk is a big game intense. Then there is the most intensive action games like mini-hockey table.

Shared interests

No matter whatthey say, like father never stop remote control car. How many cars and RC racing is all over the living room can be a great bonding experience. The first child of some large instruments such as an electric organ for children, a harmonica or a drum kit, and then more with little bang 'of music (even if you doze off and only make noise), as is so funny seems, and could become a real appreciation for music.

Common interests

ThenThere are things like Star Wars and Batman, we can not love, no matter how old you are. You are not really to get old, not unless you think you're too grown up to hold the sword fighting in the backyard with a toy lightsaber.

Finding the time ...

The key thing is really just finding the time to know what your children to engage, E. It 's a sad fact that these days, parents are faced with increasingly less time with their children at the end of each day to spend. IfNo time to time. As Of course, easier said than done, but it's worth doing, no matter how difficult it may seem, to organize your schedule to find a little time.

Children spend time with their parents, of course, grow to feel closer to their parents than children who spend most of their time alone. Even after the removal of children from their own, learned the lesson that a lot of time with their parents with them for the rest of their lives. Whether your children, whathard.

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