Friday, August 6, 2010

Tips for saving money for your own Waldorf toys for creative play

Even before the recent alarming reports about toxic toys from China, more and more families were toys Waldorf proved to be robust and reliable alternative to mass produced plastic toys.

Toys Waldorf toys that integrate innovative educational philosophies of the twentieth century, Rudolf Steiner. Steiner's new approach to the education of children was first implemented in 1919 in Stuttgart, Germany, at a school for childrenWorkers at the Waldorf-Astoria cigarette factory - hence the name "Waldorf". Based on Steiner's theories of anthroposophy, some of the ideas behind Waldorf education seem rather esoteric. However, he developed the fundamental goal - the talents and innate abilities of each child - it's easy to embrace.

So what exactly are the Waldorf toys?

Consistent with the emphasis on care of the children's spiritual nature, preferably in Waldorf ToysHandmade, not mass produced. They must also be of natural materials like wood, wool, cotton and silk, without harmful chemicals such as toxic paints or varnishes. Simple in design and construction, Waldorf toys encourage creative play.

Some products and silk have identified as Waldorf toys, including play Waldorf booth. The stands are versatile player, such as furniture-benchSplinter-free, natural wood. In combination with the games silk lengths of silk dyed in rainbow colors game is ideal for the production of tents for all sorts of imaginative uses. However, they tend to be quite expensive. Wood Quilt Rack from local store unfinished furniture usually less than half the price found. Children are also easily build their castles and caves with a cotton cloth wrapped on the dining table made of wood or a length of cotton in the balance betweentwo wooden chairs. Instead of "clips play for about $ 7 per couple (and plastic, below), why not dress wooden pegs to secure the fabric?

All children love to play dress-up, and there are Waldorf toys marketed specifically for this purpose. The piece of silk, of course, are very versatile for playing dress-up. You can skirts, scarves, coats, tunics, turbans or veils ... and probably a few other things, to invent your children.

You can allTypes of ready-made silk dress-ups of products, but it is much easier and cheaper to make your own. While silk is ideal, is less expensive 100% cotton drapery in a variety of software and forms, including plain fabric, flannel and jersey available. Many different costumes can be made in different sizes of rectangles. A band around his waist your child and put an angle of several squares of cloth in it to a story swirly skirt. Two large square napkin, or sewn orSafety-pinned together behind, a knight's tunic for your child.

In addition to substantial cost savings, there is another important advantage for your own Waldorf toys: is your child's creativity, expand like to share with your fantasy game.

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