Sunday, September 26, 2010

1960 Toys

The 1950 has brought some famous toy, the Frisbee, the Hula Hoop, Silly Putty to name a few. But could the toy since 1960 in the top achievements of 1950? Let's take a look at some of the most popular toys in 1960:

Hot Wheels - The husband of the inventor, invented Barbie, Hot Wheels Elliot Handler whist doing some experiments. It 's funny how the most popular toys discovered by accident. In the first year of publication,Hot Wheels has sold more than ten times greater than what was expected and is today one of the most popular toy product ever sold. The car capacity Tricks behavior was one of the main reasons why it is so successful.

LEGO - The famous brand of toys Lego was invented in this decade. Lego is one of the most popular toys are still the children played with by countless millions around the world today - One of the most popular toys of 1960.

GIJoe - The story or should I say, are the beginning of GI Joe is not good in some myths in circulation, as the toy has been created, you know. But regardless of whether the first toy GI Joe was always called "action figures".

Easy Bake Oven - the most popular toy and is marketed to young girls, microwave oven easy was the first toy ever produced. It was built from products produced or now better known as Kenner Hasbro known. In the first yearSales, over half a million cooking ovens were sold more easily, becoming one of the best-selling toys in its first year.

As you can see, toys are probably more famous than the one produced in 1960, a decade earlier.

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