Thursday, September 9, 2010

The history of toys in time

The toys have certainly had a long way since the first doll literally thousands of years in ancient Egyptian times. Imagine, it was the first doll with basic fabrics and paper along with some pulled strings! Today we made of plastic, alloys, rubber and other materials too many to list so many toys complexes. But only advanced materials, can not now turn around on their own toys, and even talk!

Let's look back at some ofToys original back to the old days. The first doll was made somewhere around 2000 a. C. Of course, try to hand a child a paper doll in these times. It probably will not appreciate how the children would know at that time. With so much time and effort made to ensure this by hand, I'm sure he would be happy to play with paper dolls. There were different from those of the doll, dragon, and Yo-Yo's Real Basic and board games that resemble our modern chess.

Now we go to a fewone thousand years later. Not so much toys, where he invented until the year 1800. By that time many popular games such as small stuffed animals, toy cars, dolls, and even talk! Did you know that the first talking doll was made almost two hundred years? Alphabet blocks was a popular toy for learning during this time.

In 1900 now. Almost all the toys of today was made at this time. But the 1900 is, after allmajor technological advances began to live began. At the beginning of the century, where the battery operated toys, Legos, balloons, the View Master, and of course I can not forget Barbie probably compendium of all the girls dolls and toys in general. The stuffed bear became popular after that, while the name of a teddy bear after our President Sir Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt.

OK, we bring it back last time. The only thing that has to do now is really nowmake the toy even better by implementing a technology real toy. The toys that you walk on their own toys that can talk back? OLD NEWS! Try out the motion sensor technology, voice-controlled toys and soil adaptable. The ancient Egyptians were invented today are afraid of some of the games we have. Yes, toys on this very advanced age, and remember in their time, were always fun to play with the toys were designed asbe. Fun.

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