Sunday, June 6, 2010

Toys - Tonka

Tonka toys. Even the name sounds tough. And make no mistake about it. Tonka toys were hard, especially in the good old days, hard as toys "are made to last, or they say they would like TV spots," Tonka are made. Yes, every child has had his tough Tonka trucks. When did this start? How long has it been churning out these tough Tonka trucks?

Tonka began in 1947. The first cars were made by a company called Mound Metalcraft.The company was located in Mound, Minnesota in a very small deposit. No, you know what to call it a big problem when it started. The company itself actually in the production of garden tools, which had specialized hard. Pursuant to that certain technologies and approaches, are some of the toughest trucks started together forever.

In his first year Mound Metalcraft produced over 37,000 of these trucks drive. This despite the fact that only two designs.The two designs were a backhoe and a crane. Oh, and if you're wondering, the word Tonka means "great" in Sioux.

After World War II Tonka trucks popular with families after the war. The demand for trucks was so great that it far exceeded production. One year inventory would be sold in a few months.

The whole premise of the company and a Tonka, who never refused a compromise on this toy should be stable and theirGive children as much time as possible out of them. They felt that there was no reason their toys should last for many years. And they did.

In almost 60 years since the first Tonka toys were sold millions of them over 250. To date, their vehicles are made to withstand anything you can throw at them. What has the only two trucks have grown in a number of trucks and playset.

Over the years there have been someMilestones in Tonka legacy. It took more than 17 years since its first truck, but in 1964 the most popular truck, having never done the landfill Mighty, has brought into being. No trucks they drive more and more sold. Between 1965 and 1972, the "Mighty Age" was. This is when the Mighty Tonka series has grown tremendously, so the title as the Mighty Clam, Crane, shovel, bulldozer, Car Carrier, Bulldozer, Wrecker, Hydraulic Dump, Roller, Bottom Dump, Mixer, and LoadMaster Grader.These were some of the most popular vehicles in general.

Between 1973 and 1982 Tonka has more vehicles. This time we gave the Rescue Vehicle, Car Carrier, elevators, Earth Mover, Adventure Buggy and, believe it or not, the Mighty Winnebago.

Produce in the next 25 years Tonka continue high quality products and new additions such as Chuck My Talking Truck, the first call Tonka Toy.

Tonka trucks come with promises that are harder than those fromalmost 60 years ago.

This is a difficult act to follow.

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