Friday, June 4, 2010

Unlike toys over the past 10 years, until this

It is no secret that toys have changed in the past ten years. With all the technological advances by manufacturers and producers of wooden toys, the word "toy" is something very different to last generations. Parents will remember when dolls meant things like tea sets, car battery and no trucks, trains and Lego. Their children, however, remember toys like Nintendo, X-Box, Guitar Hero, toys and robots remote controlled cars, trucks and aircraft.

Sure, there were some technical toys on the market ten years ago, but were far from toys today! If the trends continue to make toys to toys, as they were, I am sure over the next ten years we will buy the types of robots for our children, have the ability to convert different in a few.

Ten years ago, the top few toys on the market, children were asked wereToys> like Furby, Tickle Me Elmo of the Tamagotchi, Beanie Babies, and Teletubbies. There was nothing technical about this type of toy, and all parents understood them, and how they worked. (Except for the Tamagotchi ... some parents had PET had some trouble understanding what the point of a message!) This year, the fashions were next in toys after toys like Furby Baby, and I do not believe, or Yo Yo! The Yo Yo returned toScene, having fully reviewed and presented the new and improved ProYo. Furby baby was as big a success as the Furby of the year before, and toy stores made a good profit from this interactive toy.

Following these trends, toys his TV show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" aired, and of course the board game came before Christmas and was asked by many children this year. Along with this popular game were some toys that were technologically moreadvanced than before Christmas toys. An example of this type of toy is the robotic pet. This toy was very popular with parents and children, because it is a kind of substitute for a real animal, not smelly, dirty and noisy. The robot dog has a lot of real, caring for PET, as things without the expense, for a real animal. It 'was also a great idea for families with pet allergies.

After the robot-pet, technology has taken in principle, the toy industry, and nowThere are toys such as, advanced robotic toys, video games, X-Box, Guitar Hero, Nintendo Wii and all plug and play. In fact, there are toys that allow children to practice outside the reinforced, no ifs! There are still a toy stores, the sets are like the ones we had years ago, as the doll, cars, Thomas Tank Engine train, and the like, but kids these days are asking more for tech toys. Toy is almost aPopularity Contest - the kids want what their friends have, and if they do not even certain toys are not "cool" to their classmates.

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