Monday, June 28, 2010

Dwarf Hamster Toys

Dwarf hamsters love anything which makes them run around and provides them with exercise. After all, these are creatures of the wild which have grown to become domesticated, but one must not forget that like all wild creatures, they are extremely active and require adequate exercise for their physical and mental well being.

Providing a toy for your pet hamster is going the extra mile towards expressing your affection for it, and hamsters are really quite easy to please. Any toy which gives their tiny legs some exercise like a hamster wheel is a good option. Hamster wheels come in both plastic and metal forms. The only word of caution is to ensure that the rungs are placed at close distance from each other to prevent injury to the hamster's legs as it runs around.

Hamster balls are another cute option. Especially when you are cleaning its home, you can roll the ball on the ground and watch it playing with it. It keeps it occupied while you can do the cleaning.

Given below are a few home made toy options:

Roll a wad of tissue paper tightly and let the dwarf hamster play with it. While rolling it around and then probably shredding it, your dwarf hamster is sure to have loads and loads of fun.

Empty plastic bottles can be used to create a little tunnel. By widening the mouth area of a plastic bottle and removing its base, you can attach a series of bottles, creating an innovative tunnel for it to scuttle around in.

Hamster ladders also provide a lot of entertainment. Take two 20 centimeter pieces of wood and bore equally spaced holes in them. Cut up smaller pieces of wood and fix it to the larger pieces of wood, and you have just created a small ladder! The only word of caution is to ensure that the wood pieces are sandpapered to avoid rough edges.

Rope Walkway - create a rope bridge by taking a length of rope, and tying equally spread out knots and then tie the rope bridge across the cage. The hamster will move from one end of the cage to the other by walking on this little bridge or by crawling through the knots.

A small swing - All that you need is a small and flat piece of wood. Make two holes on either ends of the wood. Tie two ropes and fasten the ropes to the roof of the cage. Hamsters will love to swing on it and play around with it.

Food tube - Make your hamster earn its food by taking a cylindrical cardboard tube and filling it with food. Squash one end of it flat and squeeze this end vertically into the cage from the top. The rodent smells the food inside, but cannot get at it because the mouth of the cardboard tube is squashed. Hence, it chews its way through the cardboard and is rewarded with food.

Who said that it is only humans who have all the fun? Make your hamster's life a happy one by going the extra mile and providing it with some good fun!

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