Friday, December 10, 2010

Benefits of Designer Dog Toys

Toys for dogs along with designer dog toys play a vital role in your pet's physical, social and emotional development. These toys are created not just for nothing. They are made for several purposes.
The following are the benefits that you can get from designer dog toys:

• Helps alleviate boredom. Dogs are naturally playful and active. They are always moving about. They got bored easily when they have nothing to do. You can give them toys to play to save them from boredom when you are not available to play with them.

• Helps alleviate separation anxiety. As an affectionate creature, your pup will really miss you when you are out for work. He will surely be anxious without you around. Toys can serve as distractions. Their mind will temporarily focus on playing instead of thinking about you.

• Discourage destructive behaviors. Dogs especially puppies are fond of chewing everything that they see. Dog toys will help them divert their attention. So instead of destroying every slipper he sees, he diverted his attention to his toys.

• It serves as a positive outlet for pet-up physical energy. As active little creatures, your dogs need to have a displacement for their energy. So instead of running after strangers, your pet can convert that energy into play.

• It encourages socialization. Because playing involves interaction, your pet's social development is being met.

• Playing can exercise their jaw muscles. Chewing the toys is a good exercise in strengthening the jaw muscles of your pooch. There are toys that are specially designed for chewing so no matter how often your pet bites, his chewing toys are still intact because they are designed to resist biting.

• Increase the bond between you and your dog. Playing with your dog is a healthy bonding activity. It is one way of developing trust and affection between you and your pet.

• Promotes dental health. Because toys are clean, their teeth are less likely to get dirty. Some chewing toys have an added feature of removing plaques from their teeth. Biting the right materials also makes their teeth stronger.

To enjoy all these benefits, go now and grab designer dog toys for your pooch to play with.

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