Saturday, December 18, 2010

Rent Vs toys shopping toys

toys for rent, is a trend that is not very popular right now, but could become more popular in the future. How many parents have never thought of toys for rent? Now have at least one parent, so we have sites such as playground, brick rental, Rent-A-Toy, etc. ToyBox

Baby Plays is a site where parents can choose from more than 200 different old toys for children under 5 years. The company's shares up to 30 models of each toy.

RegisteredThis service is an on-line list and a box of toys sent to her home. While the toys are finished with the current, sending toys and wait for the next transmission. This process is similar to the system used by the popular DVD rental service Netflix. Baby Plays currently offers four plans with prices ranging from $ 34.99 to $ 64.99 per month. These plans require a commitment of three months and include four to 10 games per month.

It is understandable that parents want their children to experience a variety of fun games and educational toys only. child plays well aware that there is no need to invest money for the many toys in a child grows or may from time to boring in a short period of time. This location makes the toys are a good alternative for many parents.

This idea of letting the toy is good for parents who feel like wasting the money to buy> Toys, did not need to keep. You may also want to think that at home with things that do not need clutter. But this program is not for eternity certainly replace the classic toys to try to keep the children. provides the opportunity to work with a steady flow of stimulating toys to play with the children.

Lego toy brick apartment rental offers. You have two systems, a so-called "charter of six toysand the other 12 games in a year. The text and the recall of toys with USPS for free.

At a time in which to send only a toy. You can keep the toys as long as you want. (Of course, knowing how kids are, you can be sure the games will not stay long at home.) However, do not send the next toy, first toy in the back.

Rent-a-toy is another popular spot. The best part of this site is that the toys may take up to 8 to a Time! And just like the other sites, you can keep the toys as you do. Another positive feature is that you can also buy the toy if the child is not to part with the toys do, always - a "try-before-you-buy" thing.

One problem is that he came clean. How to clean the toys? As parents, you are in any case, these toys are concerned about germs and diseases that might get transmitted. However, most of these companies claim that theirToys> should be cleaned with a health care product in some centers, day hospitals. After cleaning the toys are then welded transmitted to stay clean during storage.

This raises the question: the large retailers of toys on this new adventure are sticking to the affected and the increase? So far, the most important retailers like KB Toys and Toy's R U.S., does not seem fazed by these new trends. Although it has a slightly larger customer base, is the toy industryMulti-billion dollar industry, so that the large retailers of toys with effect from this new trend.

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