Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Safe and Appropriate Educational Toys for Infants

There are times when you find it difficult to find toys for your infants. You have no idea which toys are the perfect ones for them. There is actually one fact about this matter. Your baby is learning at a great speed, taking in everything that is around, and picking up habits, information and words.

You must be involved in your baby's learning process and provide more opportunities for them. Therefore, you need to understand how and to what extent infants perceive the objects that surround them:

o Sight

o Visual range

o Touch

o Sound

o Motion

It always helps to keep in mind that you do not need fancy and expensive toys to stimulate your infant. You might bring home a very trendy toy for your baby only to find that baby finds the packaging far more interesting. Your young child just needs stimulation and a way to express their creativity, and this can be done with homemade toys as well.

The following are some tips for using common objects lying around the house to excite and engage your baby:

o Magazines: Under supervision, let your baby flip through a magazine and enjoy the colors.

o Sock puppets: On a sock, embroider eyes and a nose and tell your baby stories about the puppet. (Avoid using buttons for eyes or nose, as they are choking hazards.)

o Laundry baskets: Babies love sitting in laundry baskets. If the basket is tall enough and your baby can sit up on his own, let them have a good time inside while you gently rock them.

o Containers: Used (clean) containers, non-toxic and colorful cups make great toys for babies to keep things in or simply as teethers!

o Cardboard boxes: These are favorites of growing babies. Boxes are simple and safe and provide great opportunity for creativity. Your baby can make the box into a playhouse and color it with non-toxic crayons to make it beautiful and personal.

Always make sure that the toy is safe and clean, free of loose parts and sharp edges. Supervise and participate in your baby's play and watch your little one grow!

Classify and Identify

Always keep in mind that the toys should be unbreakable, free of small pieces and sharp edges, and non-toxic. Be vigilant and inspect toys for possible dangers. However, toys are often packaged in such a way that it is hard to identify potential safety hazards. In such cases, it is imperative that you categorize the toy under a broader category (plastic, electric, non-toxic, etc) and thus avoid inappropriate purchases:

o Electric toys should be avoided entirely.

o Plastic wrappings should be easily and entirely removable.

o Toys with choke-hazard warnings should be avoided for infants.

o Toys that do not contain age recommendations are inappropriate.

o Balls or marbles smaller than 1.75 inches are choke hazards.

o Strings, cords and necklaces can strangle little children. Make sure that such toys are less than 12" in length.

o Projectile toys can be missiles of self-injury.

o If there is something you are not sure of, such as the toy's durability, material or use, be on the safe side and avoid buying it.

Here are some examples of safe and appropriate toys:

o Squeak toys: These toys are big enough to rule out choke-accidents. Squeak toys with molded-in noisemakers occupy all your child's senses.

o Rattles: Make sure that these have large ends. Also, remember that infants have a preference for high-pitched sounds, as infants like noise making toys.

o Stuffed dolls and animals: Washable dolls with embroidery and bright colors are safe and fun and develop your infant's imagination.

o Mobiles: Crib mobiles and other 'hanging' toys with sound and movement are great toys for your newborn. Make sure that the string of the toy is less than 12" in length.

o Cups: Unbreakable colorful cups and other smooth objects are safe and fun for little kids.

o Balls: Rubber balls with textured surfaces excite and involve infants greatly.

o Music: Music making toys.

o Books: Simple picture book and books with rhymes noise making toys.

It is important to always keep in mind that the toys are unbreakable and non-toxic. Also, remember that choosing safe toys for infants is crucial, but it is not a substitute for adult supervision and involvement.

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