Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Why do dogs need toys

Dogs are just dogs right? If they still lived in the desert and were not domesticated, not the dog should have toys?

Well, actually it is because they are domesticated animals that our dogs need toys to replace activities or replicate in part the way of life so wild that he has experienced.

The toys we give our dogs to meet these needs and help our dogs stay in shape, well-adjusted pets.

I like to categorize four dogs in the toyType:

1. Chew Toys

Dogs need to chew for a variety of reasons during life. So, give your dog tags can chew, and do not let your precious possessions to be collected.

Puppies chew to relieve tension, soothe the gums and teeth loosen puppy, to make room for their new teeth.

Adults chew to keep the jaw muscles to expel the dogs chewing also the moment when, on their own or simply boredom.

In the SeniorDogs chew the right things, support and ease boredom, also helps prevent gum disease and dental problems

2. Activity Toys

dog activity toys help to keep fit at home and dogs a healthy diet also help to keep our pet dogs, in good shape, burn calories would otherwise be unused. activity toys used properly will help to strengthen a dog's muscles and structure, along with healthy eating, increased good bone.

Regular contactplay by building a constructive relationship with your dog, these tasks will be to promote good behavior in your pet. For example, the launch of a favorite Apportierspielzeug can be used as a reward for sitting or living rooms are available.

The choice of activity dog toys these days is huge, the traditional balls, flying discs to take the toys come with a bewildering number of varieties and materials.

If they do not sleep, the puppies go through periods in the day whenhave an enormous amount of energy to burn. Should not be taken as an exercise, but help many varied game, bonds with owners and avoid showing destructive tendencies.

adult dogs need exercise for the muscles, bones and organs to keep the lid in order. The right amount of active play will also contribute to periods of boredom in a normal healthy adult to avoid. This will help high-risk or attention to try to reduce the trends occurring inPet.

regular but small amounts of activity helps joint health in senior dogs.

3. Reward Toys

As wild animals, would be for the dogs to spend time alone, but as pets most of the time spent alone rarely at any time. Because boredom can lead to destructive behavior, it is essential that you provide your dog with appropriate toys that fight monotony and offer enticing play, this can sometimes met with such a rewardbe treated carefully hidden.

In addition to being available chew toys, your puppy will respond well to toys to reward him with sounds, movements or enter treatment. This is another way to avoid destructive behavior.

Many adult dogs respond well with a toy that will help them to remain vigilant if they are left alone or challenged.

4. Soothing or Comfort Toy

These toys are not necessarily all types of dogs, butThere may be many times in the life of a dog, if you do not need to soothe and calm necessary. Travel is the travel time to the vet, illness or noisy at all times, where it could help a calming and soothing benefits.

A toy comfort can ease the separation from the mother or the transition from a union member

In addition, comfort toys are usually tough enough for the dogs, leading to adult, or mature adults often deal with a mock kill dogsGame.

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